The billboard was born in France in the second half of 1800. Spread quickly throughout Europe came with a clear delay in Italy because of various political events in progress. In Italy it was used initially for the theater and to follow the campaigns of the various products of the nascent Italian private industry. Among the first larger printers who produced them we can mention the Officine Remember that with the help of great illustrators of the caliber of John Mary Mataloni, Aleardo Terzi, Franz Laskoff Aleardo Villa and realized the best representations that have captured the curiosity of consumers’ time. As one of the first companies that did use can cite Trichloroethylene, Pirelli, Bitter Campari, Bayer Aspirin, Grocco pills tonics, Amaro Felsina, Beer and Italy Colorificio Brothers Bassolini.
[NOTE: This is an automatic translation]