Fast approaching elections should be a solution to this economic downturn which stands wearing out our beautiful country. We all hope that whoever wins, regardless of political stripe, can restore the spirit of the Italian economy and the strength to leave. But how? That’s the point! How? In my opinion, until the taxes are the government’s priorities do not think that he can get out. Only giving cash or currency, the people call into the engine of the economy. The financial resources mean that families can start to spend and when people spend the trade name, trade name, and when it is produced and when it produces assumes etc., Etc, etc. .. It is the spending power of the citizen mid-range and low-end (most) that start the economy. For this reason the fees to be reduced and not increased. We wish all to win but we all hope that the winners know how to do.
Maurizio Graffietti
[NOTE: This is an automatic translation]