Italy printing company
Graffietti proposes to the international market the whole quality of the Italian press. As one of the most renowned Italian printing company, Graffietti offers to his customers a wide range of printing solutions.
From the artistic offset press, through the creation of brochures, flyers and advertising leaflets, Graffietti is an Italian printing company that uses advanced technologies for the production of printed materials of high quality and maximum yield. For printing images and illustrated books, the Italian printing company Graffietti relies on the technology “Sublima” by Agfa, the world leader in the field of photography and prepress. Graffietti is constantly working on improving its printing systems, in order to ensure to his customers solutions capable of reconciling quality and highly competitive prices.
Choose the Italian print! Choose Graffietti Print!

SUMMER HOLIDAYS We inform our customers that the company will be closed for summer holidays from 10 to 25 August. We will handle the requests received via email from Monday 26th. Kind Regards, Graffietti Stampati.

THE PAPER USED FOR NEWSPAPERS The paper used for newspaper printing has always been considered the poorest and cheapest paper par excellence, but precisely for this reason, some clarifications are needed. First of all it must be considered that the printing of newspapers is possible thanks to large and sophisticatedRead More

THE FORMAT The format, intended as the size of the product once finished, printed and packaged, is the most undefined of all the technical characteristics. In addition to a series of basic principles, his choice also includes a series of variables such as practicality, aesthetics. Convenience, use, destination, recipient, cost,Read More

WHAT THE DIGITAL PRINTING IS The new technologies have brought significant innovations also in the field of printing, eliminating a whole series of processes such as, for example, the production of films, their assembly, the relative registration, the development of the plates, the make-ready and more again, significantly shortening productionRead More

THE MAKE-READY The initial stage of any printing process (excluding the digital process) is called ‘Make-Ready’. This is a very delicate moment, as it represents the verification of the calibration of the entire printing process through the analysis of the first sheets that are printed, in order to make theRead More